A How To Guide: 3 Steps to Start Finding Your Balance

Where it all Began

I used to wait tables for a living.

5-7 days a week including doubles on the weekends. Sure, it was long hours but the job got me through college and then some.

Actually, if I’m being honest, I loved doing it. I met a ton of great people – even had some guests who became my regulars and eventual good friends.

One gentleman in particular, who wasn’t a regular, just a really nice older man who liked to talk had been sitting in my (now fiancée’s – yes, we met at work. That’s a different story) section one night and he told him something that really stuck with me:

“Everyone is given the same amount of time in a day. It all depends what you do with that time that determines who you are.”

I asked myself, “who do I want to be?” At the time, I would’ve answered something along the lines of, “I just want to freaking finish school at this point”.


My answer is much clearer. I want to be someone who made the most of today. Even if it was a frustratingly bad day or any and everything that could go wrong, did type-of-day. It doesn’t matter. The guest that night was right. I could sit and dwell on those things or I could pick my ass up and try again tomorrow or at least try to learn from the things that went wrong. Maybe grow from them somehow. I don’t know. At the end of each day, I want to be a stronger, better version of who I was when I woke up.

So, what in the actual hell does this have to do with a “how-to” on finding your balance?

I’ll tell ya! 😊

3 Ways to Find Your Balance:

  1. Wake up each day and set a goal for yourself. What are you going to accomplish today that you haven’t before? (Literally this could be as simple as waking up 10 minutes earlier so you’re not speeding to work – woo hoo!)
  2. Do a check in half way through your day. (Yes, for those of you familiar this is mind-body mediation related). But for real, what does it hurt to ask yourself (in your head or out loud) how you’re feeling at this point in your day? If you are frustrated or feeling down, why? How can you deal with it? Check out this mindfulness blog to help you get started with this step!

giphy53. At the end of your day, remember to be thankful for everything you have and everything you accomplished. Did you complete the goal you set that morning? Did you have any small wins that made your day just a bit better? Any small, positive aspect you can take away from your day is a great start.

Maybe these sound corny to you. That’s okay (they are a little bit) but once/if you can get past that, I seriously encourage you do take these three steps to heart (and not just because I wrote them!), but because they should mean something to you. Everything you do in your life now and every day moving forward is for you. It may not seem like it when you have the stresses of everyday life bearing down on you but you are making yourself a little bit stronger each day.

Plus, there’s absolutely NO WAY you can feel truly balanced if you aren’t in tune with how you’re truly feeling or understand what’s causing those feelings.

Alrighty, that’s more than enough mushy, “you got this” shit. Now go out and get it!





7 thoughts on “A How To Guide: 3 Steps to Start Finding Your Balance

  1. seflishlysingle says:

    Hi Sara,

    Can I just say your blog is so inspirational and it really touched home for me because I am that 20-something year old trying to figure life out, lol. I like your first point with setting a goal and sticking through it throughout the day. I will definitely try it! I think your blog provides quality content.

    I also was thinking regarding color scheme, I think some warm colors would really help identify your brand.

    Great work 🙂


    • simplysara1594 says:

      I am so happy to hear this has been inspirational to you – thank you! Let me know how that trick works out for you!

      You’re definitely right about the color scheme, I’ll keep playing around with WP a bit more 🙂


  2. thereikinurse007 says:

    Hey Sara!

    I like your voice in this post. No gimmick, just you. These tips are great reminders to check in with yourself daily. You can’t change or improve something if you don’t know what’s going on. I really liked the quote, “Everyone is given the same amount of time in a day. It all depends what you do with that time that determines who you are” and found it interesting. Nothing could be truer.



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